FRP Sectional Panel Side Panel 1M x 0.5M

FRP Sectional Panel Side Panel 1M x 0.5M

Type/Jenis : Side Panel

Size : 1m x 0.5m

Provide a full range of tank height - available in/
Melipuiti pelbagai ketinggian tangki - tersedia dalam
1.0 meter, 1.5 meter, 2 meter, 2.5 meter, 3.0 meter, 3.5 meter, and 4.0 meter

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Side 1m x 0.5m
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FRP Sectional Panel Side Panel 1M x 0.5M

Product : GRP/FRP Sectional Panel Water Tank

Brand : YT

Manufacturer : YT Fiberglass Industries Sdn. Bhd.

Product Certification : GLASS-FIBRE REINFORCED POLYESTER (GRP) SECTIONAL WATER TANKS - Malaysia Standard MS 1390:2010

Certification Body : SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd., SPAN Suruhan Jaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara

SPAN Product : Storage Cistern/Tank - FRP water tank - Sectional

Scope of Supply : Supply, Deliver & Install of GRP/FRP Sectional Panel Tank (installation by approved sub-contractor)

Other accessories :

  1. Mild Steel Skid Base & Air vent;
  2. Internal & External Aluminium Ladder;
  3. FRP Water Level Indication

Excluding Scope of Supply :

  1. Dismantling of existing tank,
  2. Security of goods at site
  3. Unloading and hoisting of goods at site
  4. Buyer to supply sufficient water for leakage test after installation
  5. Disposing debris & rubbish, including the material
  6. Pipe work, valve, ball valve
  7. Concrete plinth at site

Kindly contact us via email ( or WhatsApp (+60126257219) on projects to quote. Necessary information required in order to propose the right size and capacity:-

  1. Expected capacity of water storage (eg. 30m3)
  2. Maximum height (if underground limited height)
  3. Allocation of area

Produk : Tangki Air Panel GRP/FRP

Jenama : YT

Pengeluar : YT Fiberglass Industries Sdn. Bhd.

Pensijilan Produk : TANGKI AIR SEKSYEN POLIESTER (GRP) BERTETULANG KACA - Standard Malaysia MS 1390:2010

Badan Pensijilan : SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd., SPAN Suruhan Jaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara

Produk SPAN : Tangki Penyimpanan/Tangki – Tangki Air FRP - Sectional

Skop Pembekalan : Membekal, Menghantar dan Memasang Tangki Panel GRP/FRP (pemasangan oleh sub-kontractor yang diluluskan)

Aksesori yang lain :

  1. Tapak Skid Keluli Lembut & Saluran Udara;
  2. Tangga Aluminium Dalaman & Luaran;
  3. Petunjuk Aras Air FRP

Tidak Termasuk Skop Pembekalan :

  1. Pembukaan tangki yang sedia ada
  2. Keselamatan barang di tapak
  3. Memunggah dan menaikkan barang di tapak
  4. Air untuk ujian kebocoran selepas pemasangan (disediakan oleh pelanggan)
  5. Membuang serpihan & sampah
  6. Kerja paip, injap, injap bebola
  7. Alas Konkrit di tapak

Sila hubungi kami melalui e-mel ( atau WhatsApp (+60126257219) mengenai projek. Maklumat yang diperlukan untuk pencadangan saiz dan kapasiti yang betul:-

  1. Jangkaan kapasiti simpanan air (contoh, 30m3)
  2. Ketinggian maksimum (jika ketinggian terhad di bawah tanah)
  3. Penetapan kawasan


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